To social media or not to social media

This posts title might be a little misleading, not my intention. I believe that social media has a great place in life. In fact that is where I got the idea for my little space on the internet, was social media. It all started out with the previous posts about taking some railroad adventures, sharing the thoughts on social media, my friends and followers there appreciated what was being brought to their day.

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A new home

Dear WEBtraveller :

I know it has been more than a little while since I posted last. However, I had to find a new home for the site. It looks like the install and restore of the back up have completed. THIS time I will be back a lot sooner than 2019 to make another post. A lot has happened since then, but I have always kept the site up to date.

Continue reading “A new home”

Site Update

Well Good Evening WebTravellers!

Grabbing a coffee

I know it has been a while since a story has shown up here. I apologize deeply, a few personal matters in life had to be addressed. In lieu of that I have decided to make a few changes to the site, the first thing is the web address. This change came after some toying around with ideas on the name of the site. This is more fitting!

If it isn’t displayed above in the address bar, the new domain is:

Thanks for dropping by and I will be back soon with new things for you the WebTraveller!